All About Traditional Jalabiya during Ramadan in Saudi

  • Publish date: Thursday، 17 March 2022 | Last update: Sunday، 22 May 2022

It’s one of the most traditional things to rearrange your closet and fill it with Jalabiya that’s so humble and unique, something that speaks of the modesty of you

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"What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.", what Miuccia Prada once said is exactly how Saudi women perceive the concept of representing culture through clothing.

Now that Ramadan is approaching, you can see every Saudi woman getting prepared, not only on a spiritual level but also on a closet level. It’s one of the most traditional things to rearrange your closet and fill it with something that’s so humble and unique, something that speaks of the modesty of you, representing your believes more than anything else. Jalabiya, for Saudi women, and Arab women in general, is a way of telling people how this month of Ramadan refines and polishes our souls along with our clothes.


Going back, Jalabiya is considered an Islamic attire, related to Arab old ages. It was worn by kings and queens, using sophisticated elegant garments with wide cuts in its core or in the sleeves. Some says it is originally started in Egypt, but it may seem that it has its roots in all Gulf Countries, and those of Arab countries in general. Another version of Jalabiya is worn in Morocco which is known as Kaftan. Now a days, we can see Jalabiya climbing its way through the fashion industry all around the world. A lot of dresses designed by global brands can be simply worn as Jalabiya, since they have the same vibes in cuts and garment materials.     

Why do Saudis wear it during Ramadan?

Ramadan is a religious month where Muslims all around the world have to fast to feel the hunger that poor people suffer from. It’s like a purification month, where you detox your soul from all those materialisms. To stray away from what shows your wealth, to be simple and humble in everything you do include what you wear. Hence, Saudi Women chose to wear that simple Jalabiya to be the fashionable touch they add to the month of Ramadan symbolizing their beautiful modesty.  

Where to find it?

Jalabiya industry flourishes in this time of the year, its season is around the corner in each Ramadan. If you are thinking of buying one, then this the perfect timing for you. A lot of Saudi and Khaleej brands come up with those fantastic brilliant lady-like designs for Jalabiya. Their prices may differ depending on the design and the materials used. Some can be very expensive reaching two to three thousand Saudi Riyals, and some have more reasonable prices ranging from 200 to 700 SR.

Here are couple of brands that are specialized in Jalabiya, take a look and enjoy another perspective towards modern fashion.



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