
You Can Now Get Zamzam Water Delivered to You During Hajj

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 31 May 2023
You Can Now Get Zamzam Water Delivered to You During Hajj

Al-Zamazima Company has launched the Zamzam website to deliver Zamzam water bottles to the pilgrims at their residences. 

The platform is operated by highly trained people for the distribution of the holy water without any interruption.

The Zamzam platform will contain a database of all pilgrims and ensure that the data contains electronically numbered houses, Rayan Zamzami, deputy general supervisor of the season's work at the company, said.

Zamzam operates both with and without Internet connection.

The zamzam water bottles go through the control centre, reach the warehouse for processing, and get transported through a safe means of transportation before they are delivered to you. 

Upon arrival, a confirmation message will be received with regard to all information for the recipient and the delivery man. This step facilitates and guarantees the delivery and receipt process.

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